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Free griddler puzzle

Every day we have a free nonogram / griddler puzzle that you can print out and complete at your leisure! In these picture logic puzzles, cells in a grid have to be filled or left blank to reveal a hidden picture. The puzzle is solved using number sequences at the side and bottom of the grid which describe how many unbroken lines of filled-in squares there are in each row and column. For example, the numbers "8.5.6" next to a row, would mean the row contains sets of eight, five and six filled squares, in that order, with at least one blank square between successive groups. Good luck!
In the money
nonogram puzzle
Click here to see the solutions to yesterdays puzzle!

We hope you had fun with those!
If you fancy something a bit more challenging then check out our book reviews.
On the other hand, if you're finding it a tad tricky, check out some of the links on our tips and tricks page!

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